Friday, April 3, 2009

60 years of NATO aggression

The month of April of 2009 brings the 60th anniversary of one of the most significant tools of imperialism: NATO.

Over the first fifty years of existence, NATO always played a very relevant role supporting the imperialist field, both at national and international level. The support to the colonialist wars of Portugal and France, as well as the sabotage of the Italian revolutionary forces, the support to the dictatorships imposed to the peoples of Latin America and the split of the Cyprus, are strong signs of the political line of NATO.

The bombing of Yugoslavia, in 1999, was, in a way, a dark celebration of the 50 years of NATO and a putting in practice the fresh new principles agreed by the imperialist forces gathered in NATO, in triumphalism and desire to destroy all those that would not submit to their imperialist intents. More than 2,000 civilians have been killed and more than 7,500 wounded. The bombing was indiscriminate, killing farmers, suburbanites, city dwellers, factory workers, reporters, diplomats, people in cars, busses and trains, hospital patients, the elderly and children.

In the present time, the goal is clear: to implement their interests and policies at any place in the world and at the same time to control or depress any country or other force that might be a danger to them. USA and NATO are increasing its military presence in the area of the Eastern Europe by building the “anti-missile shield” in the borders of Russia, inside the borders of the fresh new members of NATO, which reflect the intra-imperialist rivalries, that are evolving between NATO and up growing forces such as Russia, aiming at, above all, the control of the sources and pipelines of oil and natural gas. The Caucasus, Balkan and East Europe regions are becoming a hot zone of NATO/US-Russian competition, entailing new dangers of a more general conflagration in these regions. Under these conditions, the US and NATO are deploying new missiles in Europe; while the US fomented the Georgian offensive against South Ossetia in August 2008 that provoked the response by Russia.

Moreover, during last years it became more obvious that NATO and EU are unions serving the same interests. So it should not be any illusion that the militarisation of EU by building the EURO–army is a positive step for people that could stop NATO aggressiveness. Besides EU members are also NATO members. EU often undertakes the “dirty work” of NATO, as it was proved in the case of the dissolution of Yugoslavia and now in the case of the declaration of independence of Kosovo. The creation of the Euro-army, the next step of CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy) of the EU, and its close collaboration with the NATO that is provided from the outset, confirms this point in our view.

WFDY calls upon all its member and friend organizations to struggle against NATO and its new expansion, the “anti-missile shield”, NATO bases and changes of borders, against the participation in the so-called “peacekeeping missions” (no matter how they will be called in the future) in Caucasus or elsewhere in the world, against all obligations deriving from the participation in NATO and the EU that engage each country militarily directly or indirectly, against the presence of foreign troops in Afghanistan , Iraq , Balkan countries or elsewhere will continue and will be victorious.

We are sure that with our struggle we will win, building a world free of imperialism, where the welfare of Humanity is the center of all policies, where the access to education, employment and labour rights, culture, sports, health, enviromental protection, international solidarity, friendship and cooperation of the Earth will be the foundations of a world free of imperialism!

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