Friday, July 3, 2009

Statement by Miami 5 on Honduras

DEAR compañero Manuel Zelaya, the sole and dignified constitutional president of Honduras:

Profound indignation has shaken our cells in the face of the brutal coup d’état in your homeland, reminiscent of a past that is still fresh in the historic memory of Central America.

It would appear that the sinister failed plot in Caracas and then successfully applied in Haiti is now seeking, with its dress rehearsal in Middle America, to reverse the inevitable historic tendency of our peoples toward overcoming their neocolonial conspiracies. Today it is the turn of the Honduran people, under your dignified leadership and in an America that is no longer the same, to take up the honorable challenge of permanently interring fascism, as an instrument of the outdated reactionary oligarchies for whom homeland is synonymous with miserable privileges.

Like you, we know from first-hand experience the brutality of being awoken by armed guards, being taken half-dressed from our homes, the ignoble utilization of judicial power to justify the crime, the employment of threats to demand renunciation, and of the starkest use of lies for perverse aims.

We also know of the joy inspired by the opportune combative expression of a daughter, the unconditional commitment of the family, or the clamor of universal solidarity, or the incomparable love of an entire people.

Identifying with your dignified position, a reflection of your moral superiority over the usurpers, we extend to you, from the empire’s prisons which, in the last 10 years, have never been able to incarcerate our dignity as revolutionary Cubans, the expressions of our unconditional support and the certainty that your people, armed with their own decency and their love of justice, will also overcome.

A strong embrace from the Five.

Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando y René

June 28, 2009.

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