Tuesday, April 17, 2012

More Europe a threat to democracy


by Rui Paz, PCP

An expressive part of the federalist elites which currently are obliged to isolate themselves from the euphoria of how they greeted the Euro, the Lisbon Treaty and other stages / periods of the EuropeanUnion (EU) integration process, carries on defending that the solution for the current political, economic and social crisis passes by “more Europe!”.

They criticize and with reason, Germany’s Chancellor, adictator as for her threats and acts against the peoples’ sovereignty,but repeat the words of order which lead exactly unto what the German great capital aims at, its interference power reinforcement within the political guidance of the other states’ governments.

“More Europe!” in reality, signifies the deepening of federalism, more German hegemony,more social setback and attacks to democracy, more militarism. In reality, the EU, as gradually proceeds its deepening, becomes, moreand more, a real threat against most of the member-states’ sovereigntyand a deadly danger concerning the democratic and social achievements conquered through the workers’ and peoples’ struggle, after the Nazi-Fascism defeat.

The brutal offensive throughout the social level is accompanied by an close attack against peoples’ sovereignty and the principles of democracy. Federalism supporters try to conceal that, without the respect for each State’s sovereignty and the will of decision of each people, democracy is not possible / is inexistent.

It is convenient not to forget that the whole EU integration processh as run from democracy as the devil from the cross. How many important/major decisions were taken /approved within the silence of offices,forbidding referendums and popular inquiries? How many electoralprocesses in which the electors voted against the EU’s biddings wererepeated unto the outcome was according to the aimed objectives?

In the moment the “home troika” gathers in Parliament, in order toratify the so-called “budget treaty”, it is imperative to recall themain objective of the federal leap in process, which is not but thedeficit reduction but, with the pretext of the debt decrease, obligethe overwhelming majority of the people to pay the crisis effects,therefore obtaining a fundamental change in the distribution of theproduced wealth in favour of the great capital.

According to the imperialist logic, the labour-force price ought to fall / decrease unto an unsupportable level for the workers, within all the EU states.It is a same mentality of a concentration camp and slavery, which isto be legalized /validated along with the slogan of “more Europe”.

The more the EU integration process advances, the more the sufferingpeoples understand Europe’s capitalist integration process subversiveand antidemocratic character and the existence of an illegitimatepower which is determined to nurture /foster a permanent / constantcoup situation against the very own parliamentary principles.

Currently, it is easy to verify how the PCP, through Alvaro Cunhal ‘svoice, the late Secretary-General, was totally right, when he warned:“ With federative structures and a really indeed central government,together with common policies imposed by the more developed andpowerful countries, with the less developed countries change untoperiphery countries with no policy of their own, with the passive andsubmitted acceptance towards an autonomous NATO, commanded by theUnited States and dragging along the peoples unto criminal wars - this new Europe smother’s / strangles/ silences and liquidates the lessdeveloped countries’ sovereignty, does not serve the peoples andnations interests, nor the Portuguese people and nation interests” (in the Truth and the Lie within the April Revolution, 1999,p.321).

As in other moments of History, the peoples will ought to defend andrestore, through their struggle, their rights and achievements and aswell as Democracy itself.

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