- Will we or won’t we? [EMC]
- Departments I, II and III and economic crisis [NL]
- Pension benefits wiped (part 2) [Brendan Ogle]
- Printing money to support the debt bubble [NL]
- James Connolly and 1916 [NOM]
- There is an alternative (part 2) [EON]
- Time for more independent leadership [NOM]
- Rail and bus transport: Why nationalisation was the obvious answer [RNC]
- Political statement
- International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties, Lisbon: Speech by Eugene McCartan, general secretary, CPI
- The unseemly rise of Qatar [BG]
- A serious defeat for workers and their union [TMK]
- Willie Walsh floats again [MA]
- Letter: Ionad Buail Isteach
New edition of Socialist Voice out now at http://www.communistpartyofireland.ie/sv/index.html
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