Thursday, January 15, 2009

A founding declaration of the Popular Movement against the EU in the Czech Republic

The Popular Movement against the EU rises from the need of the citizens of the Czech Republic to oppose the European Union and the consequences of its existence in individual domains of the social life.

The aim of the Popular Movement against the EU among others is to inform the citizens of the Czech Republic about a real character of the European Union and its imperialist, anti-people and anti-democratic policies:

  • The European Union means agreements enforced to the peoples of European countries by the largest monopolies. The aim of the EU is to maximize profit of the monopolies by all possible means at the expense of the working people and nations in the European Union and in other countries of the world.
  • The European Union means imperialist wars which are initiated by it or in which the EU actively participates. The EU participates in wars and aggressions committed by the USA as its constant ally. This policy results in thousands of killed and injured adult people and children. Bombing, military occupations, threats, military bases, nuclear weapons, all that is used by the EU and USA for enforcement of their imperialist plans.
  • The European Union means schools and universities which serve the interests of the monopoly corporations, text-books containing historical lies and non-scientific claims, displacement of public and free education system by introduction of fees paid for education and thus creation of social screen placed between the population and education system, formation of preconditions for acquiring of the higher education and expertise only by a certain elite.
  • The European Union means unemployment interrupted by episodes of short-time work and accompanied by constant social uncertainties. The rights of the working people are „transformed“ by agreements like a Lisbon Treaty and by directives like a Bolkestein directive into costs that must be minimized according to the will a interests of the monopolies.
  • The European Union means a freedom of movement of the capital, services and a limited freedom of movement of the working people. The legal securities as well as other social conquests of the working people are being limited.
  • The European Union means a goal-directed destruction of agriculture in its member states through directives, measures and prohibitions so that the foodstuff self-sustainability and independence of the particular countries was eliminated.
  • The European Union means limitation of the democratic rights and freedoms in the name of the so called „war on terrorism“ and through its anti-communist campaigns.
  • The European Union means a demonstrative disregard to the popular will like it is in the case of the referendums on the so called Constitution of Europe and its brush-up version – a Lisbon Treaty in France, Netherlands and then in Ireland as well as the limitation of the expression of the people through the referendums, enforcement of acceptance of the principles and goals of the monopolies paraded as the European goals.

The Popular Movement against the EU is convinced that due to the mentioned reasons it is necessary to oppose the European Union. It is necessary together with the citizens of other European states to reject the policy and plans of the monopolies and of the European Union which serves them. The future of the Czech Republic and of Europe is not the European Union! For a people’s Europe of peace, democracy and social and political rights!

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