Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Venezualan Foreign Affairs Press Statement

The Bolivarian government led by President Hugo Chávez celebrates, together with the Venezuelan people, the victory of our brother Evo Morales and the Bolivian people in the Constitutional Referendum held on January 25th, 2009.

As soon as the results of the Constitutional Referendum were announced, President Hugo Chávez called President Evo Morales in order to convey the acknowledgement and congratulations of the Venezuelan people for this new victory.

This triumph ratifies the course of independence and equality set by the Bolivian people, and it consolidates the efforts made by President Evo Morales to promote a peaceful and democratic revolution in the face of those who have tried to destroy it with conspiracies and violence.

The approval, for the first time in the Bolivian history, of a Political Constitution of the State, which was debated on, worked on and voted on by the people, gives great lessons to those who say they do not understand the democratic revolution undergone by our continent, thus making possible the revival of principles such as sovereignty, independence and social justice, which were trampled for decades.

During their telephone conversation, Presidents Hugo Chávez and Evo Morales also agreed to meet on the occasion of the ALBA Summit, to be held in Caracas soon, in order to boost grandnational projects, guarantee the economic development, the social happiness of our people, and realize the words of our Liberator:

“The unity of our people is not a simple pipe dream of men, but an inexorable decree of destiny.”

Caracas, January 25th, 2009

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