Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Greek Communist Party, KKE, on NATO Anniversary

It’s been 60 years since the foundation of NATO, the most inhuman and criminal organisation, that maintains its presence and constitutes a permanent threat for the peoples and world peace.

The so called North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) that was founded on 4th April 1949, made clear through its founding declaration its interventionist and aggressive character, despite the fact that it declared spuriously to the people that this is a defensive organisation.

The foundation of NATO expressed the aggressiveness of imperialism against the USSR and other socialist countries.

It is a lie that it was a defensive treaty and this is proved, among other things, by the fact that the Warsaw Pact was founded in 1955 and was dissolved in 1991.

At the same time, as it is cynically referred in its handbook published in 1995, NATO had as a goal to obstruct with the use of arms any type of changes and overthrows that could happen in the Western Europe countries. For this reason, as it was proved, apart from the control over the armed forces of the member states, NATO kept paramilitary organisations, arms’ storage, like the “red sheepskin” in Greece and “Gladio” in Italy. For this reason, but also for ensuring the interests of capitalism, it supported the reactionary regimes and dictatorships in Greece, Turkey, the fascist regimes of Franco in Spain, of Salazar in Portugal, while it played a leading role in the partition of Cyprus.

NATO’s history in its role as world “sheriff” of imperialism is linked to violations of the international law. It is marked with the blood of victims of its direct or indirect interventions throughout the world.

Especially nowadays the role and character of NATO as an international murderous military mechanism, as a basic tool of imperialist action inside the member states as well as outside its borders for the establishment of the “new order” of imperialism has been fully revealed.

After the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, already in 1992, in the Rome Summit and in 1999 in Washington, NATO adopted a new doctrine that provides the possibility of intervention in the whole world, in the name of new threats, such as terrorism, protection of natural sources’ flow etc. It moved on to a new expansion by integrating former socialist and other countries, by contracting special agreements and treaties with Middle East and North African countries. In the Riga Summit in 2006 it established cooperation with Australia, New Zealand and Japan that are already participating in the Afghanistan war.

In the Summit of Istanbul (2004) it approved the plan for the wider Middle East, preparing in that way interventions for the subjugation of the region to imperialism. During this period NATO moved on with its new structure which is based mainly on the aggressive, murderous “rapid deployment forces”.

With the support of the USA-EU and other subordinates, NATO aimed at -and succeeded to a large extent - the revision of the UN, in order to establish itself indirectly as an essential support and mechanism of the “peacekeeping missions” of the UN, that have as a primary concern to impose the imperialist plans under the cover of “international legitimacy”.

The USA along with the EU have organised the dissolution of Yugoslavia and in this way NATO set off the war in Bosnia, planned and realised the dirty war against Serbia in 1999, with the 78 days of bombing that levelled the country to the ground and led to NATO and EU occupation of Kosovo and its “independence”.

The war and the interventions of NATO in the Balkans and Afghanistan, the participation of a part of NATO in the intervention in Iraq have proved that the imperialist brutality and the imposition of a “new order” have as an enemy the states, even if they are obedient and the peoples that react in the imperialist plotting and conquest. This enemy lies in the sight of the murderous action of NATO and therefore escalates the armament and develops new threatening weapon systems, such as the so called antimissile defence shield.

Greece and Greek people has paid the price of the participation in the NATO that constituted the shield which guaranteed the interests of the monopolies and imperialism. The colonels’ junta, the partition of Cyprus, the dispute of the borders in the Aegean, the consequences from the situation that it is shaping in the Balkans are some of the examples of the “NATO protection”. The funding of the NATO military expenses and expeditions by the sweat and blood of the working people, with the responsibility of all the governments until today, is the price paid for the protection of the Greek and foreign monopoly groups’ interests.

Imperialism-USA-NATO-EU contain identical concepts. Despite their contrasts and their competition, both EU and NATO turn against the people, since the EU in the Euro-treaty considers NATO as a main pillar and accepts fully its role.

In the anniversary of 60 years since its establishment, NATO attempts to overcome the “lack of communication of the alliance” towards the peoples , using the propaganda of falsification of the history through the media manipulated by the system , the universities, using the funds as a bait, the events of the local community, organized by its well paid servants.

But we will not let this happen. Because it is now well known to everyone that the 60 years of history and action of NATO are marked with the blood of the people, are identified with the death and injury of hundreds thousands of people, civilian and children.

The new structure and the new doctrine of NATO are reactionary and repulsive to the people, who have only faced and experienced severe blows. That’s why it is necessary to strengthen the mobilizations and the resistance against the imperialists.

NATO appears to be all-powerful, but it is not. Imperialism cannot have life if it is not able to control new markets, if it can’t broaden its influence, if it can’t capture and oppress other peoples, along with the ones, in the states benefitting from it.

The only counter pole to NATO are the anti-imperialist, peace-loving forces of the world, the global anti-war, anti-imperialist movement for peace, which demands in cooperation with the movement of the working class and the other popular movements of women and youth, the movements of solidarity, that NATO must be dissolved.

This is the “one-way-road” for all the peoples. We must stop the imperialist aggressiveness. We must contribute to the defeat of imperialism, because this is the only precondition for a peaceful world.

The only answer to the dark front that rises nowadays by USA, NATO, EU, and to those who serve, elaborate and promote the enslavement of the peoples is a massive, peaceful, anti-imperialist popular front.

Nowadays the verbal condemnation of the crimes and threats of NATO is not enough. A huge anti-war, anti-imperialist peaceful movement that will unite all the consequent and radical forces, the working people, the youth and the broad social, popular forces, is demanded.

Because people can win with their struggle and pose an obstacle to the criminal plans of NATO and the other imperialist forces.

EEDYE, and all of us who sign this text, call upon the Greek people and all the mass organizations of the people’s movement to a long-term and firm struggle with the demands for:

the dissolution of NATO

the withdrawal of Greece from NATO

the removal of all the foreign military bases from Greece

the return of all the Greek armed forces and the other missions that are deployed out of the country and serve the interests of imperialism.


  1. do you happen to know if the profile on twitter is official?

  2. I presume, despite its denial, that it is an official one to try and promote a positive image of NATO otherwise it is just the product of a manipulated individual, which unfortunately there are enough of around to do it.
