Monday, March 23, 2009

It has been six years now since the USA, supported by a coalition of imperialist forces and puppet allies, started the war against Iraq in order to “democratize it” and “free it from the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein”. Now after six years, Iraq has only witnessed increased suffering, death and poverty and what was “freeing Iraq” turned out to be occupying Iraq.

Now Iraq is under occupation from the same imperialist governments that formerly supported the dictatorship regime since the early 1980s in all of its wars against its neighbors and in its internal criminal policies against its own people.

The massacres against the communists all over Iraq in the early 1980s and the wars against the Shiaa in the South and the Kurds in the North were tolerated by the “International community” for long years since Iraq was committing to their policies in the region and supplying them with oil. USA and its allies supported all those practices before, and only turned to oppose them when they felt the need to be present militarily in the region, in the Gulf region and inside Iraq where huge reserves of oil are the aim.

Now after the falling of the regime that WFDY denounced for a long time, Iraq is occupied by USA and its allies. It is a new battle now for Iraq to be liberated from those occupying forces and only resistance will lead the process of liberation.

WFDY reiterates its support on this occasion to the Iraqi people in their struggle for real independence and to liberate their country from this occupation.
Iraq can only be free through the will of its own people and youth, and will achieve real democracy only after liberating itself from occupation.

Let this anniversary be another step in our struggle against war and occupation, for freedom and progress and for international solidarity.

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