Wednesday, March 20, 2013

For the new USA Strategy in the World

Dr. Marie Nassif – Debs
Deputy Secretary General of LCP
Barak Obama's, the president of USA, in the beginning of his second presidential election, in January 21-2013, is still urging a lot of discussions, predictions… about the priorities of new USA administration for the coming four years.
In this field so many questions could be asked but in general all of them go round two titles, which are: Will Obama and his new administration limit their concern to find solutions to the crises that are storming his country, and in the capital system in general, after failing, till now, in driving it away, which was due to all the military adventures that took place in the first period of the third millennium and cost, as being reported, more than two trillion American dollars? Or he may go back to follow the famous "Wilson's Fourteen Points", which was implemented at the end of World War I (1918) a form of "International mandate" to manage the regions that are colonized or under control, mainly in Middle East, and distributing this mandate among the allies of USA, at that time, Britain and France, while USA was gradually extending its influence and control over the world?
USA Intelligence report about the "Global trends 2013" and Wilson's Fourteen Points:
No doubt that the imperialist USA, with the exception of its formal victory over Bin Laden, lost many wars from Iraq to Afghanistan and the Iranian nuclear issue… also it is not able, till now after two years, to confirm its counter attacks on the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt or holding the cards of Latin America, even it achieved some progress lately in imposing its "peace" Africa or the region, which is named "Asia – pacific". These two regions are forming, today and tomorrow, an entrance to amend its critical economic situation.
Adding to all that the end period of mono - polar system, which came after falling of the socialism experiment which was achieved in USSR, and the emergence of "BRICS" (in specific Russia and China) we can say, as some over optimistic analysts say, that the leadership of Washington is over and the economical prediction of Paul Kennedy in his book "The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000" started to be true and USA became on the edge of the cliff… specially that "Global Trends 2030" report, which was published by CIA last year, indicates to  the quick regression in what called "American peace" which was dominating since 1945 till today, in a world its population is 8.3 billion inhabitants, aging is a common feature, global warming, nutrition problems, water problems…  all will lead to a new sort wars.
All of these do not mean, unfortunately, close ending to imperialism especially that the radical opposite side did not form its headlines yet, and BRICS does not form an alternative to establish more humanitarian and social justice system.
Three basic conclusions in Obama's foreign policy:
So the reading must be deep and careful to the reality of the USA foreign policy. It must not be read only from Obama’s speech in the beginning of his second presidential period, and not only from “Global trends 2013” report but also it must be read from the field movements and military and economic agreements that USA is signing in more than one region and on more than one level.
This reading leads us into three main conclusions and to specify the USA role in our region, the Arab world, and in the ME in general.
First conclusion: Obama will not let USA to easily withdraw from its international role. He said it clearly: we are keeping our international spreading. That is why the USA foreign policy must be read on the bases of “Wilson’s Fourteen Points”, which means the second Obama’s administration will follow the steps of “special democratic” administrations which were in authority in the period previous to Cold War and during Vietnam War. It will interfere directly in struggles and wars which may escalate but it will leave NATO, which its role was reorganized and reprogrammed in Lisbon and Washington summits, to move. Also it will leave its main allies, Britain, France…., to move as it did in war against Libya, or as it is doing now in war against Tchad. It will observe and guide, allies support with some power elements, or direct interference only when it is necessary.
Second conclusion: complete and linked to first conclusion, it is the share of USA in reorganizing the capital control over the world and controlling the economy which goes side by side with wars, aggressions, to organize control over sources of energy and it its paths, control over new agricultural areas, in Africa and pacific region, unused water reserves in all the southern part of the earth, starting from Latin America up to Africa.
In this domain, we will go into the USA role in south of Sudan. This part has huge amounts of three sources to control the world (oil, fertile agricultural lands, water). In Indonesia, Obama meeting in 2011, led to put a complete strategic economic plan allows now USA monopoly companies to control more than 62 million acres of fertile land and collecting all the big areas in their hands. Adding to that moving Indonesia to be the gate into Asia and face China.
The theory of “Big Extended West”:
Third conclusion:
The imperialist USA, first, is aiming to renew itself from this behavior to be after that what Zbigniew Brzezinski names treating its international responsibilities, his book “Strategic Vision”, which means recontroling the international rhythm to strengthen its role and getting rid of dual polarity. In this frame, Brzezinski and “Global trends 2013” suggests Washington’s role in reorganizing the global system on the bases of the theory of “Big Extended West” which, first, depends on Western Europe, Starting from it to arrive to Russia and Turkey in later stage.
This “big extended west”, and able, can organize the international relations in extended global system and limits the Chinese role in the international theater.
The new USA role:
These conclusions push us to say, not only, that the USA role will not be limited on the international level but, to confirm, USA wars against the people of the world will increase, even though its executers would vary. If we go back to the days of renewing of British-American, especially in our region, and mainly from two parts: Lebanese – Syrian side (from Turkey as extended big west) and the Palestinian side (through the Zionist system).
So it so necessary to watch regional interests in the coming times, for not falling again victims of temporary speeches like Obama’s one in Cairo University about supporting the Palestinians to have a state,  while every day confirming the security of the Zionist system and the “Jewish state”.
We say that, because we are we are waiting the new visit of Obama to our region and while John Kerry is doing his tour in the Gulf we started to hear about deep “differences” between Obama’s administration and the Zionist lobby, which is represented by “AIPAC” the supporter of Israel in high political and financial levels… annual financial and military support which are presented to Israel and on the other level the security of Israel with relation to Obama’s administration to “the nuclear issue of Iran”.
This analysis is far away from being precise and it not enough for Obama or Benjamin Netanyahu to absent from the annual AIPAC conference to start talking about some changes in the general or specific relations between the two parts especially that one of the aims of Obama’s visits to the region is to confirm that nothing has changed in Washington’s policy toward the Zionist system. At the same time Washington is covering her eyes for not seeing the settlements policy of the Zionist system, its working to make Palestine pure Jewish state, to continue drawing a new map for the Arab region and the M.E depending on internal, ethnic and religious wars.
The imperialist danger is still existing and present. We have indicated to its existence not to surrender for it, even the balance of power is still not on the side of radical change forces, but the opportunities of change is still possible, on regional and international levels, to change this balance or through the struggle between the two poles, the old imperialist one and the new emerging one, we can benefit from the experience of the Bolshevik revolution in 1917 or gathering again the forces, the social and political one, which are anti-imperialism and calling to change on the bases of building social society.

March 2013

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