Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Union of Progressive Youth Egypt

Statement by the Union of Progressive Youth concerning the recent situation in Egypt:
We have received with deep regret the news about Venezuela and Ecuador’s decisions to withdraw their Ambassadors from Egypt, whereas such a decision is surprising from two countries that are fiercely against imperialism and known for their permanent stand facing the colonial American policies. We believe however that Ecuador and Venezuela have built up this decision based on erroneous information illustrated by the imperialist western media propaganda that described the Egyptian people’s revolution over the terroristic groups as a military overthrow. The Imperialist Media has as well portrayed the process of breaking off the protest of “Rabiha Adawya & Nahda” of the Muslim Brotherhood as an act of extermination, which was not the case, taking into account that the weapons in possession of the protestors were clearly exposed and the breaking off of the protest happened under the sight of all the Egyptian people as well as the Egyptian Human Rights organizations. The Egyptian Police has solicited the protesters to leave safely, but the latter refused and the police was faced by firefights, sceneries that were not revealed by the misleading imperialist media. We therefore call upon friendly organizations in the states of Venezuela and Ecuador to clarify the real Egyptian position and issue statements demanding their own governments to refrain from such decisions.

Union of Progressive Youth Cairo


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